Welcome to my most precious project <3
It is my truest self-expression inspired by my pure child state.
Smokahontas has allowed me to connect with the strong female community through second-hand garments and events.

Feel free to click on the images below in order to see the fine print ;)

All the images where produced and photographed by me but I had the pleasure to work with many other talented artists throughout this journey.
Special thanks to all!!

Timeless Luxury: The exploration of e-commerce photograph
The brief called for the creation of twoeditorial images, capturing the essence of timeless luxury, followed by a set of e-commerce shots to complement them. The goal was to seamlessly blend storytelling with the precision and clarity essential for online retail.

Art Direction / Creative Producer: María Sól Kjartansdóttir  Photographer: Elyse Null  Designer: Stella Maiken Roslund  Model: Victoria Morizono